Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Making Lemon Honey

On Thursday I brought a HUGE bag of lemons to school from my Mum and Dad's lemon tree that I didn't want to go to waste.  I wasn't sure what we could do with them all and then I saw all the eggs in the fridge in the staff room and had an idea...we could make lemon honey to sell at daffodil day to raise money for the Cancer Society.  We put a post on our school Facebook page to ask for jars to put our lemon honey in and we got heaps of baby food jars sent in.  Mr Matuku then got us some sugar from Chelsea Sugar and all that was left was to buy some butter (the only money we had to spend). The children got into groups and then we went in the staff room to start making lemon honey.  It took quite a long time because all the children in habitat 17 had a turn to help. 
Once it had cooled down I poured all the mixtures in to the jars.  The children made labels for the jars, posters for selling and decided on how much each jar would cost.  
The next morning on Daffodil day heaps of children had brought in money to buy a jar of our luscious lemon honey....we ended up selling ALL our jars to the children in habitat 17!
We ended up raising $20 just from our lemon honey towards the Cancer Society...we were all very proud.