Monday, March 7, 2016

Littering - By Joana

Why littering is very bad
Littering is very bad because when people drop rubbish it affects the sea animals.
Stop littering!
This is what happens to the sea animals and how they look like with the rubbish on it.

Look at all this rubbish found in the sea

This means that people have been throwing rubbish into the sea, down the drains and throwing it in the air. So if you are a person which throws rubbish, please stop! Because when you throw the rubbish it will go to an animal's face and it will die. So please stop littering!
By Joana

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joana,
    wow your post was really sad but helps me remember why it is so important to put rubbish in the correct place. Keep up the good work.
    From Habitat 14.
