Thursday, March 10, 2016

Princesses - By Sophia

This is the beginning of my chapter book I am writing about princesses. Hope you enjoy it.

Chapter One

Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess. She was like many other princesses. She was polite and brave on the inside. She only had one habit. She stays in the library too long.

She stays in the library every hour of the day.

"My darling", her mother said, "it's time to go to dancing school". "But do I have too?", the princess said.

"Yes", her mother called out, "now pack your stuff".

So she hopped into the carriage and went off to dance school. When she got there she saw her two best friends called Ila and Felicia.

"Princess", the called out. "it's good that you could make it. So let's get started".

They turned on the music and started dancing. "This is too hard", the princess said, "I would rather be in my library with books and stories to tell".

She went back to the library and read a hundred books and fell asleep.

By Sophia

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