Thursday, March 10, 2016

Question Map - By Katie

For homelink I decided to make a question map. We learnt how to make one in Habitat 17. Here are the steps you need to use a questions map:

  • Firstly In the middle of the map you put the topic that you want to find out more about. I Put bees. 
  •  Then you put the key words around the topic word.  I put hive, flower, insect, honey and nectar.
  • After that you write down words that would make a statement. I put bees eat nectar, bees make honey, bees are insects, bees use flowers and bees live in hives.
  • Finally you put a question starter in front of the statement. My questions were why do bees eat nectar? How do bees eat nectar? Why do bees live in a hive? How do bees live in a hive? How does bees use flowers? Why do bees use flowers? 
I found it a really great way to ask interesting questions. 

Here is the original chart that was modeled to us when we were learning about how to create a question map.

Princesses - By Sophia

This is the beginning of my chapter book I am writing about princesses. Hope you enjoy it.

Chapter One

Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess. She was like many other princesses. She was polite and brave on the inside. She only had one habit. She stays in the library too long.

She stays in the library every hour of the day.

"My darling", her mother said, "it's time to go to dancing school". "But do I have too?", the princess said.

"Yes", her mother called out, "now pack your stuff".

So she hopped into the carriage and went off to dance school. When she got there she saw her two best friends called Ila and Felicia.

"Princess", the called out. "it's good that you could make it. So let's get started".

They turned on the music and started dancing. "This is too hard", the princess said, "I would rather be in my library with books and stories to tell".

She went back to the library and read a hundred books and fell asleep.

By Sophia

Character Description - By Calanha

This is my character description of Phone Niang from the story Speak Like Us which was our shared reading book this week.
Phone Niang          Image result for speak like us jill eggleton           
Self caring person
Non talker

Popping Balloons Maths Game - By Jamie

Hi it's me Jamie and this is game that I made about skip counting backwards in 100's. It's fun to play I hope you enjoy!

Popping balloons   !   (skip counting backwards in 100)
.1 You press start to go!
.2 You get a needle and billions start appearing
.3 And in the balloons there will be numbers
.4 And each of those numbers will be different  but only one will be the number part of the skip counting
.5 And every round will be a different number including each number in the skip counting!

Cyber Bullying - Habitat 17

This week Habitat 17 have been learning about cyber bullying. We watched a hectors world video which explains the issue of cyber bullying in a fun and interesting way.

After watching the video we discussed what cyber bullying looks like, what it feels like, and what we can do if we are a victim of cyber bullying or see someone being cyber bullied. Some of the students created posters to raise awareness about the issue of cyber bullying.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Shared Reading Retell - By Habitat 17

Habitat 17 have been reading the books Call Me Harry and Speak Like Us for shared reading this week.

Image result for call me harry jill eggletonImage result for call me harry jill eggleton

We chose what book we wanted to read and had that as our shared reading book for the week. On the 5th day of shared reading we get to retell what we have learnt from the book in a creative way. Many of the students chose to create their learning through visual art however there were other things chosen such as acting out a play, interviewing the main characters of the story and creating a comic strip. Here are some pictures and a video of our learning during this time. Tomorrow we will be sharing what we have created with each other and displaying it in the classroom for others to see.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

The Water Cycle - By Maya

Maya Babu has invited you to comment on the following presentation:
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On 26 on February,Bayview school went to Long Bay,so I have made a slide on the water cycle.
Hope you like it!
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Monday, March 7, 2016

Little Kauri Leadership - Year 5 Students

The year 5 students in Habitat 17 have been part of the Little Kauri Leadership program. We learn heaps of fun games and what it means to be a leader. They teach us leadership skills like listening to others, paying attention and compromising with others. The students were asked to teach one of the games they learnt to their classmates and show the leadership skills they learnt  while doing this. Here are some videos of the students teaching Habitat 17 some of the games they learnt. 

Littering - By Joana

Why littering is very bad
Littering is very bad because when people drop rubbish it affects the sea animals.
Stop littering!
This is what happens to the sea animals and how they look like with the rubbish on it.

Look at all this rubbish found in the sea

This means that people have been throwing rubbish into the sea, down the drains and throwing it in the air. So if you are a person which throws rubbish, please stop! Because when you throw the rubbish it will go to an animal's face and it will die. So please stop littering!
By Joana

Helping People By Mariska

HELPING PEOPLE is cool . It  make’s  you  happy.  It  feels  good. They will  like  it  ,they  will  like  you . help  people  it’s good.  Like I  HELP   CLEO. From Mariska Habitat 17.

The Hubble Telescope. By Campbell

For homelink I learnt about the Telescope. Here are some pictures .
This is a picture of a ring galaxy.
This is a picture of a cat's eye galaxy. 

By Campbell Anderson

This is a picture of it in my homelink book.

Sweets by Olivia L

For homelink last night I read a book about sweets. THese are some of the things that I learnt:

sweets are a snack- a quick''sweet'' treat. most people love the taste of sweets.

because sugar cane will only grow in tropical countries,some ewropeans set up sugar cane plantations in the west indie.

sweets are usually wrapped by machines. the machines cut the right lenght of wrapping.

       By Olivia.L

Sea pollution - By Matthew

Sea pollution

NO  we do not want that!
This is what happens to our rubbish going into the drains or going straight into the sea it does not matter it is horrible. No matter what
fish HATE it. A whale was found with 2000 plastic bags in it. Plastic bags are the deadliest. A turtles favorite food is jellyfish. When plastic floats down the turtles eat them and die. Sometimes they don’t die. Make a poster, do what ever, just stop people from doing this. Here’s a good example

Carve it at the beach with a stick just please help!

By Matthew

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