Monday, June 20, 2016

Matariki Matariki Matariki

In the past week habitat 17 have been focusing on Matariki. First we gathered information using a range of sources such as journal stories, library books, Youtube videos and other information on the internet. We worked independently or in groups to sort and record relevant information in our own words.

Next we had to present our information so it could be shared with others. We had the choice of what tools we wanted to present. Some of us chose to do a poster, use presentation tools like Prezi, Google, Slides and Popplet and also others like Kahoot. Below are some links to completed presentations.

Matariki by Sophia, Calanha and Mariska

Matariki by Joana, Kirsten, Travis and Carlos

Matariki by Vanisha, Maya and Evah

Matariki by Katie and Olivia A
After we had shared our presentations we were introduced to the idea of creativity. First we watched a video called Caines arcade. It was about a boy who created an arcade out of cardboard. Caine showed us how we could take our imagination and turn it into reality. We then were told we could take the idea of creativity and link it with what we have learnt about Matariki. We were asked about what our passions were and how we could follow them when presenting creatively our learning about Matariki. We chose dancing, singing, performing, painting, cooking, writing poetry, building and more. You can see pictures and videos of our learning below.

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