Monday, June 20, 2016

Statistics and Sustainability

Habitat 17 have been learning about statistics and how to conduct a statistical investigation. We were told that we had to go and pick up rubbish from around the school and then somehow sort and present what we have found.

First we got into our groups and had 15 minutes to go and collect as much rubbish as we could from around the school.

 We then came back in and sorted our rubbish to see what types of rubbish there was and how we could display what we found.

Next it was time to record what we had found. Some of us chose to do tally charts and others drew the rubbish and labelled it on a piece of paper. After that there was a few of us who then created a bar graph from their tally chart. Finally we all got together as a class and talked about what we had learnt and the language that we had used throughout our learning.

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