Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Shave for a Cure By Cleo

Hi I'm cleo and I'm doing shave for a cure.Shave for a cure is a fundraiser for leukaemia and blood cancer.The hair that comes out of it is made into wigs so people with cancer who are too embarrassed to go in public with no hair can wear the wigs and can go in public and not be embarrassed by the way they look.The money that you fundraise goes to the leukaemia charity to fund research and patient support programmes.

When I do shave for a cure before everyone comes my mum will braid a little bit of my hair I'll cut that bit off and keep that bit of hair.

One of my family members have leukaemia.he has had it for 5 years and is still carrying on with life even though he's still on medication and had many treatments to help him stay alive and well.So that's why I'm doing shave for a cure.

By Cleo

1 comment:

  1. Cleo that is a wonderful thing to do. I think you are very brave and I would like to donate some money to your sponsorship. Well done!
