Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Xrace for habitat 17 by Marc & Kirsten

For Homelink I created an X race for habitat 17 because on Sunday I did the X race with my mum. I thought I could do one for the class. The X race is a race with 10 challenges what are really difficult. 

Habitat 17
XRace Challenges

By Kirsten and Marc

You have to do the XRace in groups of two. You have to stay together all the time.
The winner is the team who has finished all challenges the fastes.

Challenge 1:
Pushing a tennis ball forward for 5
meters just with your nose.
Challenge 2:
Make a paper plane which has to fly 7 meters.
Challenge 3:
One partner is blindfolded and the other has to guide the blindfolded partner through a maze, not touching just using the voice.
Challenge 4:
You have to answer 5 questions correct
Challenge 5:
Get together with two more partners and you have to pass a soccer ball 6 time to each other without the ball touching the ground.
Challenge 6:
Use a ribbon and bind together one leg of each partner and run together 25 meters.
Challenge 7:
You have to solve a riddle
Challenge 8:
You have to perform some dance steps from the video
Challenge 9:
Write your name with a pencil but don't use your thumb!
Challenge 10:
You both have to balance a bottle on your head for 15 seconds.

By Kirsten and Marc

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