Wednesday, February 24, 2016

the dinosuar gang by ash

This story is about dinosaurs invading the world and there are only five people to save the world.

Chapter 1 dinosaur invade

One day dinosaurs came alive from millions of years ago and what they did was wreck all human life .but some people survived the dinosaur gang and they were the only people to save the world.they said we need to do this so what they did was they got their gear out and started building a shelter after that they went hunting for food and water then they said  dinosaur time.

Chapter 2 the dinosaurs revenge

Let's go hunt some dinosaurs! Armour on everyone yesssss they were walking around looking for dinosaurs and then rawww they saw a dinosaur. let's take it on bam bom bam yay our first dinosaur victory let's go back to the house before any other dinosaurs came to wreak us. feffff we got back home in time let's drink some water before all the dinosaurs come out.

Chapter 3 the dinosaur apocalypse.

ohno a dinosaur apocalypse what do we do we fight we do whatever we can do to save the world.bam one dinosaur down one million left nooooooooooo we lost one of our team mates one down four to go let's get back home.feed we got back home in time before the dinosaurs did.

Chapter 4 like a wrecking ball.

guys if got an idea what is it a wrecking ball no way yes way ok if it does work it does work let's try it out then what i came in like a wrecking ball all wanted was to save the world.bamm bing bam yes we got at least half of them half down half to go.what's that it looks like a helicopter and someone inside it
it's the president helping us cool Chapter 5 the president savior.thank you so much president yor welcome by the way you can call me pres
ok  let's go to where you came from ok The adventure will continue in part 2

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